


This action allows for multiple actions to be run while only requiring the user to press a single button. The actions can be set to run sequentially or executed as a bulk functionality.

Configuration options

An action list can be set up in various ways:

  1. As a primary action button
  2. In onPress/onChange events - usually triggered by list or jig.list related items
  3. In onRefresh/onFocus events on any type of Jig

Examples and code snippets 

Action List
Action List

This example shows an action-list with two actions. The first action is submit-form, which will save the entered data, and the second action, go-back, will redirect us back to the previous page.

Example: See the full example of action-list in GitHub.


Action-list with onPress
Action-list with onPress

In this example, we have an action list with the onPress function in the list-item. The first action will color the last chosen item and the second action will sync our entity with the database and we can use them for further actions.

Example: See the full example of action-list in onPress in GitHub. See the full example of action-list in onChange in GitHub.


In this example when we refresh the jig/jig is focused, we call set-state and sync-entities actions.

Example: See the full example of the action list onRefresh in GitHub. See the full example of the action list onFocus in GitHub. 


Updated 01 Nov 2024
Doc contributor
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