


The countdown component functionality counts down from a date, date/time, and time. When the time expires, you can configure an outcome, for example, open a different , or perform an action. The countdown starts as soon as the containing the component.countdown opens.


Configuration options

Some properties are common to all components, see Common component properties for a list and their configuration options.

Core structure


Add a date, date/time or time when the countdown must expire/stop, either using: - datasource, e.g. - expression, e.g. =$fromMillis($toMillis($now()) + 50000) - string, e.g. "2023-09-20 18:00", or "2023-07-25T17:30:00+02:00"

Other options


center, left, right, and stretch, with center as the default if the property is not specified in the YAML.


isVisible - true or false with true as the default. Setting false will hide the countdown component. position - The countdown labels of Days : Hours : Minutes: Seconds are shown at the bottom or top of the countdown.


Choose from extra-large, large, medium, small, with large being the default if the property is not specified in the YAML.



Choose from the provided list of available actions, for example, use the go-to action to open a different .


Choose from the provided list of available actions. For example, go-back action.


  • This component's function is to countdown to a predefined date/time. It is not recommended to use the component as a timer.
  • The component.countdown can only be used in a jig.default.
  • The countdown's separator is by default shown as a colon :.
  • The countdown starts when you navigate to the containing the component.countdown.
  • Use any inputs for the countdown configuration, for example, different types of datasources, states and inputs.
  • Use the set-state and reset-state actions to set and reset the countdown.

Examples and code snippets 


This example shows the expiresAt property value set using a static value, an expression, a static datasource, and a dynamic datasource.

Example: See the full example in GitHub.


You can choose to align the component.countdown to the left, right, center and stretch it across the screen.

Example: See the full example in GitHub.

Aligning countdown
Aligning countdown


Size variations
Size variations

Use the size property in the component.countdown to change the size from extra-large to small.

Example: See the full example in GitHub.


Action when pressed
Action when pressed

This example shows two scenarios, the first opens a different when the component is pressed and the second opens a URL when pressed. Use the onPress property to set up an action when pressing on the component.

Example: See the full example in GitHub.


In this example the onFinish property is used to show a modal when the component.countdown expiresAt property reaches zero.

Example: See the full example in GitHub.

Modal when countdown expires
Modal when countdown expires


Countdown from jig input
Countdown from jig input

Add inputs from another to set the expiresAl property for the countdown to start.

Example: See the full example in GitHub.

Supporting example in GitHub.


Updated 04 Mar 2025
Doc contributor
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