Data Providers

List records in objects


Reading data from Salesforce using the Salesforce provider is easy. The provider is intuitive, and once you have synced the data from the Salesforce provider to the local data provider, you can design lists, charts, and widgets to show your organization's Salesforce metrics, accounts, opportunities, and more.

Examples and code snippets

List of accounts

Search and filtering a list
Search and filtering a list

The code below shows a simple example of a list of accounts in Salesforce. Adding search and filter properties allows you to easily find the accounts you looking for.


List of Opportunities

The code below shows a basic example of a list of opportunites in Salesforce with an onPress action that will allow you to update the opportunity amount.

Basic List
Basic List


Create a Stage detail jig

Document image

Below is an example of reading data from the Account, Opportunity, and OpportunityStage objects in Salesforce. Combining the data, using a jig.list with component.list-item and component.summary to create the Stage Detail



See Also