Release Notes - 2025


Release 2025.3

Document image

Release date

21 March 2025

iOS version


Android version


Jigx Builder


Mobile Apps

New features & improvements

  • Added the ability to update a user's name and phone number in their profile when using the update-profile action.
  • Added the ability to customize the User Profile screen. The new component.jig added to the index.jigx file renders any s in the profile screen. The customized has a width header and actions.
  • Added support for customizing the User Profile screen.
    • A new component.jig entry in index.jigx renders custom s within the profile screen.
    • The customized includes a width header and actions.

Bug Fixes

  • Allowed text in titles to wrap in the title container, preventing text from being cut off or blocking the expander from opening.
  • Fixed an issue where using a deeplink to open a specific resulted in a blank screen.
  • Resolved an alignment issue on the OTP and Request Access screens that made it difficult to access the app.
  • Improved navigation from the Settings screen to the home page after switching solutions.
  • Fixed the onRefresh event, which was not executing for a list on Android devices.


New features & improvements

  • count-up - The count-up component is a display-only element that continuously updates in real-time, showing the elapsed time since a specified start timestamp.


New features & improvements

  • Added validation to grid-item determining when widgetId is required.
  • Enhanced the way you interact with s by introducing the ability to retrieve outputs from s you navigated to using the following expression =@ctx.jigs.instance-id-of-the-jig.outputs.[key-of-ouput].
  • Added the onTableChange event, which responds to remote system data changes and updates the mobile device. This event monitors specific data tables (entities) for changes and triggers the configured actions when a change is detected. This ensures data consistency between the remote system and the mobile device, keeping information up to date across the platform.
  • Added validation for grid-item, determining when widgetId is required.
  • Enhanced interaction with jigs by enabling the retrieval of outputs from navigated jigs using the following expression: =@ctx.jigs.instance-id-of-the-jig.outputs.[key-of-output].

Bug fixes

  • General builder, snippets and hover popup improvements.

Jigx Management

Bug Fixes

  • Bug fixes, performance improvements and usability improvements.

Release 2025.2

Document image

Release date

6 March 2025

iOS version


Android version


Jigx Builder


Mobile Apps

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue on legacy widget configurations on index.jigx.
  • Fixed an error when opening an event in the jig.calendar.
  • Add the no solution screen when the user doesn't have a sln assigned.
  • Fixed an issue when upgrading to release 2025.01, the location component in custom components did not function.
  • Fixed the UI alignment on the OTP Request access screen.


New features & improvements

    • When invoked within an action, the =@ctx.system.geolocation method executes asynchronously.
    • Set the permissions on location using the system variable =@ctx.system.locationPermissions. PermissionStatus can be granted | undetermined | denied
  • Added support for action.sync-status.
  • Implemented action.execute-sql in .

Jigx Management

Bug Fixes

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Release 2025.1

Document image

Release date

February 2025

iOS version


Android version


Jigx Builder


Important Updates and Migration Guidance

Release 2025.1 introduces significant changes to existing functionality, components, and actions, along with new features that may impact existing solutions. While every effort has been made to provide migration plans to ensure backward compatibility, once a solution is published on this release, the changes will take effect. The primary areas impacted include the home screen (index.jigx), location component, go-to action, widgets, and stories.

  •  strongly recommends thoroughly testing all solutions after publishing to ensure expected behavior and stability.
  • The documentation is being updated to reflect the latest product offerings. As a result, some screenshots and code samples may not yet represent the most recent features and improvements.

Mobile Apps

New features & improvements

  • go-to action - The action allows you to open a as a modal. Simply set the isModal property to true.
  • Navigation - The go-to action is used to configure the flow of s in the app using the behaviour property. With the behaviour you determine if you want to push the screen into the app history, by using the new value, or show the one you already have in history by using the existing value.
  • Grid and custom tabs used to create and bottom navigation bar. For backward compatibility - see Migration plan to understand the changes that are required when republishing the solution.
  • jig.grid - Create grid layouts in your app, organizing content into rows and columns for a visually consistent and flexible interface. It helps align elements proportionally, ensuring a structured design. The grid is ideal for creating galleries to display photos or product images, as well as dashboards, menus, and product lists.
  • The home button has been removed from s and the profile button has been moved to the new bottom navigation tab bar. See Home Hub for more information.
  • Added the ability to remove the Support menu from the user profile screen. This can be configured via a flag in the build configuration.
  • Solution switching has been moved to the Profile settings screen.


Bug Fixes

  • Improved the experience with errors appearing after logout due to long running sync actions.
  • Fixed an issue for REST calls where setting your parameter to an output location would cause it to fail.
  • Improvements made to error boundary and handling.
  • Changed keyboard panel to match theme's background colors.
  • Fixed deep translations, for example, translation of formatting of values such as $.

Components and jig types

New features & improvements

  • jig.tabs - Tabs is a new type that allows you to navigate between different s with ease, enhancing the user experience by providing an organized layout.
  • jig.grid - This type enables you to create grid layouts in your app, organizing content into rows and columns for a visually consistent and flexible interface. The grid is ideal for creating galleries to display photos or product images.
  • Grid component - create a grid layout as a component in a with other components.
  • Divider -create a simple divider between components using the component.divider. The divider component adds a simple dark horizontal line across the screen. Common use cases include grouping related content or enhancing visual hierarchy.
  • segmented-control - create a horizontal control consisting of segments that allows you to toggle between multiple options in a compact, efficient way.
  • Actions added on jig-header - Configure actions to display as links or icons in the top right corner of the header.
  • Enhanced the media-picker’s usability by reducing clicks/taps during the upload process.
  • List and list-items improvements include:
    • Added support for using a list-item outside a list component. This allows configuring a single list item with all list-item features, such as left and right elements and swipe actions, without requiring a full list. See a code example Single list-item in an expander
    • Enhanced the list-item description to support multiple lines.
    • Added color support to the value property of the list's rightElement.
  • Multiple enhancements made to location component, including support for custom markers, different markers based on a state, user's location display, and follow a user location. Note: A Migration plan is in place to ensure backward compatibility for existing solutions. However, once a solution is republished, you must update the code to ensure the location component continues to function as expected.
  • Multiple improvements made to the expander component, including:
    • Determine the background color for header versus body using the variant property with plain or emphasis values.
    • Expander arrow align left or right
    • Added the ability to add a solid or transparent divider

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the shadow performance on card component.
  • Consolidated the standard and custom card components.
  • Various padding fixes across components.
  • Update entity-fields compact border setting and content size.


New features & improvements

  • Added the numberOfVisibleActions property, allowing up to two buttons to be displayed in the action panel in a . See Common action properties for more information.
  • Improved the secondary button's color and appearance.
  • Enabled the action buttons to be displayed on the .
  • Actions added on jig-header - Configure actions to display as links or icons in the top right corner of the header.
  • Added multiple new actions, as described in the table below:

New actions



Execute custom SQL queries on the database securely when the action button is tapped.

Open the device's default map app (e.g., Google Maps, Apple Maps, or Waze) with the provided address when the on-screen button is tapped. See open-map for more information.

Quickly manage selected media files on your device—modify or remove selections with a tap of the on-screen button. See open-media-picker for more information.


Generate files such as PDFs, CSVs, or text files. Content is written to the file, along with an optional encoding parameter. Once generated, the file's URI is returned and included in the action instance output. See generate-file for more information.


Create a PDF file version of HTML content, whether a receipt, report, form, or other document, with just a tap. See generate-pdf for more information.


Generate hard copies of invoices, receipts, articles, or any rendered content in raw HTML, that works across different devices and printers. See print for more information.


Programmatically set the active tab in the component. See set-active-tab for more information.


Share files directly from the app with just a tap. Whether it's a document, image, or report, the share action lets you send files via the devices messaging apps. See share for more information.


Programmatically set the state of the current .


Programmatically reset the state of the current .


Programmatically set the state of the solution. Note, this action is similar to action.set.state.


Programmatically reset the state of the solution. Note, this action is similar to action.reset.state.


Programmatically set the state of the Custom Components (Alpha) in the current .


Programmatically reset the state of the Custom Components (Alpha) in the current .


The action configured to start syncing a specific subset of data with the server, effectively cutting down on network traffic and useful when the app is offline.


The action configured to delete syncing a specific subset of data with the server, effectively cutting down on network traffic and useful when the app is offline.


Set the action to remove the sync status displayed on the screen (syncing, synced, failed, synced, and interrupted).


Allow the user to update their profile (avatar URL) easily to keep their personal information current and ensure that the app experience is tailored to their preferences.

Bug Fixes

  • Pull-to-refresh is disabled when no onRefresh actions are set.


New features & improvements

  • Determine the version of the app by using system states, the expression used is =@ctx.system.appVersion.
  • REST improvements include:
    • Enabled the use of custom JavaScript in REST function expressions.
    • Added default 401 error handler in the REST provider to retry three times.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed input suggestions when no input definitions are provided.
  • Fixed IntelliSense options for leftElement.
  • Enabled field validation for componentId.
  • Fixed an issue where the preview of expressions honored global expressions over local expressions.
  • Changed to show all components even if they had different properties already configured in a list and provider property.
  • Fixed an issue where deploying a single JavaScript file resulted in the entire solution being deployed.
  • Updated the validation message for input parameters.
  • Fixed an issue where publishing failed when using the publish button next to tabs.
  • Fixed an issue whereby IntelliSense did not invoke for certain s at a certain position.
  • Fixed and improve autocomplete for swipeable property in the list component.
  • The isDiscardChangesAlertEnabled in the form component default value has changed from true to false.

Jigx Management

New features & improvements

  • Dynamic data improvements include:
    • Support for files.
    • Column filters.
    • View/edit consecutive rows via the record editor.
    • Easily continue adding new rows without closing record editor.
  • General UI improvements:
    • Right-sidebar collapsible (where relevant).
    • Improved keyboard accessibility on drawers and alerts.
  • Troubleshooting improvements:
    • Expanded filtering, log detail and grouping of log messages.
    • Ability to export logs.
  • Performance improvements:
    • Improved performance of bulk actions (like adding/removing dynamic data & solution members) and indication of progress.
  • User Preferences enhancements:
    • Expose and persist management preferences like theme and preferred default menu to streamline experience across devices.
  • Users
    • Ability to import users via CSV.
  • General
    • Bug fixes and general improvements.

Change in behavior

  • Backwards compatibility - When a widget displayed on the and no specific icon was configured, a default icon of four squares was shown. In existing solutions the four squares are now replaced with a default heart icon. You can change the icon by configuring the icon property in each file.


  • The story-group component and stories property in index.jigx has been removed for all new and existing solutions. If you currently use stories on your home screen they will no longer appear in the app and in the YAML will have red squiggles. Remove the YAML in and republish.
  • The ability to set access to widgets in a solution in for users and groups has been removed.
  • The home property in index.jigx used to display a custom has been removed. Reference the custom home under the new tabs property. See Creating a Home Hub for more details.

Updates to documentation

  • Note: The documentation is being updated to reflect the latest product offerings. As a result, some screenshots and code samples may not yet represent the most recent features and improvements.

Updated 21 Mar 2025
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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