Building Apps with Jigx

When to load data


Sync data when the solution loads or gets focus


  • The app is robust for offline scenarios.
  • Jig rendering and interaction are very fast.
  • There are only 2 distinct cloud interaction cycles in the example below: once when all data is synced and once when an update is sent to the cloud. 

This is the recommended pattern when designing a Jigx solution.


  • Initial app load time is slightly longer and heavier.
  • Doesn’t work for all scenarios where the app depends on up-to-date data from the cloud when a is displayed.
Solution data sync
Solution data sync

Sync just in time when a jig is used


  • Initial load is lighter.
  • Only the data needed per screen is synced to the device. 

Elements of this approach can be combined with the recommended approach above.


  • The solution cannot robustly go offline.
  • The data might not be available for the when the app is offline.
  • The user might experience a slower performance of s because of just-in-time cloud operations.
  • There are 9 (8 reads and one update) cloud operations throughout the UI cycles at 5 different distinct stages.
Sync data just in time
Sync data just in time

Dynamically syncing data

When building a solution, the number of entities to sync and the parameters for each are not always known; for example, when syncing the attachments for a message, there can be zero, one or more attachments, or files/documents stored in a OneDrive directory. It is necessary to dynamically specify a list of the entities and function+parameters to return from the database using an expression. See Dynamically sync multiple entities for more information.