


This action is used to redirect the user to another page/component. go-to can be used in a list of actions, such as swipeable and rightElement, or used together with another action, where it is called after the main action and redirects the user to the specified page.

Configuration option

A go-to action can be set up in various ways:

  1. As a separate action or in the action list
  2. As a swipeable action in the left or right direction
  3. As rightElement in the list
  4. As an associated action in the action list

Examples and code snippets 

Go to action

The simplest example of using a go-to action is to use it as a separate action. When configured, a button will appear at the bottom, redirecting us to the details page when pressed.

Examples: See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.


Go to with swipeable
Go to with swipeable

This example uses the go-to action as a swipeable property. We can choose the swipe direction left or right. After pressing the button, it will redirect to the details of the person.

Examples left: See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.

Examples right: See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.


Go to button
Go to button

In this example, we use the go-to action as the rightElement in the list-item component. There is a button for each item.

Examples: See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.


Go to onSuccess
Go to onSuccess

In this example, the go-back action is associated with the submit-form action. After we enter the signature and press the "Sign" button, the submit-form action is performed and then the go-to action redirects us to the next page.

Examples See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.


Updated 04 Nov 2024
Doc contributor
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