


The info-modal is a pop-up window that provides additional information or context without navigating away from the current screen. It is used to display additional information and offer guidance or instructions. The modal appears as a temporary overlay on top of the current screen, dimming the background to focus your attention on the modal content. The Info-modal includes interactive elements like buttons, images, icons, or links.


Configuration options

Some properties are common to all components, see Common component properties for a list and their configuration options.

Core structure


Modal contains the properties that will determine the button and content in the modal.


The unique identifier for the info-modal that can be referenced in other s.


Provide a short title for display at the top of the info-modal. You can use text, an expression or a datasource to set the title.

Other options


Give the button a label by providing short text. The button displays as a link. If an action like onConfirm is configured the button displays as a button.


Provide the text description or instructions for the user to follow. This creates the content in the info-modal. You can use text, an expression or a datasource. This can have multiple lines.


The following elements can be added to the modal:

  • type - Specify either an icon, image, avatar. - When image is specified a uri is required. - Use color to change the icon color, available colors are positive, negative, primary, warning. The default color is primary if no color is specificed. - When using an avatar you can specifiy text or use a uri to show in the avatar.


Add an icon to the info-modal, for example a dollar icon. The icon apprears on the center of the modal. A list of icons are available. See Jigx icons for more information. This property relates to the action button at the bottom of the screen.


When set to true the info-modal (button at the bottom of the screen) is hidden on a .



The action is triggered when the button is pressed. Use IntelliSense (ctrl+space) to see the list of available actions. Action to execute when the info-modal button is pressed. - If the action is not defined, the info-modal will be closed. - If defined, the info-modal closes after the action is executed. - The button will have primary action style.


  • The info-modal only has one action (button).
  • If the action on the button is not defined, the info-modal closes automatically and no action is performed.
  • Expressions can be used in the info-modal properties to provide the required values.
  • The info-modal can be used in the onFocus, onRefresh, and onPress events.
  • The info-modal is available in the default, composite, list and document s.
  • An info-modal action can be used in an action-list.
  • A can have multiple info-modals configured.
  • In the info-modal the buttonText displays as a link, if the onConfirmed event is added the link visually changes to a button.
  • Consider the confirm action, which also provides a modal with two buttons, allowing you to cancel or proceed.

Examples and code snippets 

In this example, the info-modal is configured on an action. When the button is pressed the info-modal opens and displays an avatar. The avatar uri property is used to set the avatar image. The buttonText is configured to close the info-modal.

Example: See the example in GitHub.

Info-modal with avatar
Info-modal with avatar


Info-modal with icon
Info-modal with icon

In this example, the info-modal is configured on an action. When the button is pressed the info-modal opens and displays a location icon. The color property is set to use the primary color. The buttonText is configured to close the info-modal.

Example: See the example in GitHub.


Info-modal with an image
Info-modal with an image

Tapping on the action button opens the info-modal showing an image of Thialand. The image property uses resizeMode ensuring it is contained in the modal. The buttonText allows you to close the modal.

Example: See the example in GitHub.


Info-modal in a calendar jig
Info-modal in a calendar jig

In this example the info-modal is used four places in the :

  1. In the onFocus event to show what type of calendar it is. The info-modal uses the element type image. The buttonText closes the info-modal.
  2. In the onRefresh event to notify the user that the calendar is refreshing. The info-modal uses the title, and the buttonText closes the info-modal.
  3. In the action to allow the info-modal to inform users that events are subject to change, the element uses type icon with a color: negative.
  4. In the onPress event to show informaton about the event that has been pressed. The info-modal's description property provides a text message to users, the avatar: uri provides an image and the buttonText allows you close the info-modal.

Example: See the example in GitHub.


Info-modal on a default jig
Info-modal on a default jig

This example shows the info-modal when the Submit action button is pressed. The icon element property is used with color: warning. The description property provides the text content, and the buttonText is used for the text on the button. An onConfirm event is used to add a go-back action to the button. Notice how the button has visually changed from a link to a button. You can add an action-list to the onConfirm and add an execute-entity to submit the data from the form to the data store.

Example: See the example in GitHub.


Info-modal in a list jig
Info-modal in a list jig

In this example the info-modal is used three places in the :

  1. In the onRefresh event to notify the user that the list is refreshing. The info-modal use the title, description and buttonText to closes the info-modal. An element type icon with color: warning shows an icon in the center of the info-modal.
  2. In the action to allow the info-modal to show a message regarding sales information with an element type of image, the buttonText allows you to go back to the list.
  3. In a swipeable: left event to show the customer's details. The info-modal's description property provides a text message to users, the avatar: uri provides an avatar with text and the buttonText allows you close the info-modal. The description containing the info-modal content uses an expression to add content from a datasource.

Example: See the example in GitHub.


Info-modal on widget
Info-modal on widget

In this example the info-modal is added to the onPress event of the widgets.

  1. First widget uses an icon with color, title, buttonText, description and onConfirm event to navigate to another .
  2. Second widget uses avatar,title, buttonText, description and and onConfirm event to navigate to another .
  3. Third widget uses an image, title, buttonText and onConfirmed event to open a url.
  4. The fourth widget uses a title, buttonText and description. The buttonText closes the modal.

Example: See the example in GitHub.


Updated 12 Feb 2025
Doc contributor
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