The list-item component serves as the child component whenever any list-related item has been called, as discussed in the jig.list and list sections. The component determines how the list items are returned, allowing you to customize the data returned and add UI elements to the lists.
Core structure | |
title | Add a title for the list-item. You can use an expression and datasource to set the title. The title must fit the line, as the text will not wrap to the next line. |
Other options | |
color | The color of the list item changes based on conditions. The first evaluating to true will be used. |
description | The subtitle or description should be displayed with the list-item title. You can format the text of these properties if you select the "Text With Format" option in the builder help (ctrl + space). |
divider | Set the space between two items in the list.
isContained | Used to style the list item, true wraps the list item in a card, while false displays the item with no styling. This property can be used with vertical and horizontal lists. |
leftElement | Set an element to the left of the list. The following elements are available:
progress | Add a colorful visualization (background color of your choice) of the list item's progress. The color displays from left to right, and the range of the allowed values is from 0 to 1. |
rightElement | Set an element to the right of the list. The following elements are available:
rating | Displays a rating as either a numerical value or a percentage. This property is highly flexible, with options to configure the ratingIcon, color, and accompanying descriptive text. By default, the rating property has only one icon showing a rating-star in the primary color.
Ratings can set up in the following ways:
subtitle | The subtitle or description should be displayed together with the title on the list-item. You can format the text of these properties if you select the Text With Format option in the IntelliSense (ctrl + space). |
tags | A set of descriptive keywords appear at the bottom of each list item, helping to categorize and provide context. Unlike labels, multiple tags can be shown. Tags support up to two lines; if the tags exceed this space, a +1 indicator is added to represent the number of hidden tags. For example, if two tags are hidden, +2 will display at the end of the list.
Tags can be set up in three ways:
Actions | |
onPress | The action is available with the swipeable action and is triggered when pressing an item in the list. Use IntelliSense (ctrl+space) to see the list of available actions. |
swipeable | Use the swipeable property to add the onPress action. The action will appear and become pressable by swiping the list-item to the left or right. |
State Configuration | Key | Notes |
amount checked |
| |
amount checked |
| |
activeItemId now |
Examples and code snippets

This example showcases two additional properties that have been configured, the progress and colors. You can use the data along with some expressions to manipulate data to create meaningful list displays.

This example shows a list of avatars grouped by titles and returns all avatars in the array. In this example, the static datasource has been configured to use the uri and text properties that are required for avatars in a list. This makes it easy to configure in the by simply using the expression: avatars: [email protected]
The following expression can be used if your datasource uses different names for uri and text, for example: avatars: [email protected].{"text":name,"uri":image}[]
Examples: See the full example using static data in GitHub.

This example showcases a list with checkboxes to the left. This can be configured with preset checked values or can just be empty for the user to select themselves.
Examples: See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the e full example using dynamic data in GitHub.
Specifying initialValue will determine the value when the list is loaded, however, specifying the value presets the value itself. The latter is handy when you want to display details that don't require much intervention from the user or if you wish to make it easier and faster so they only have to review the current selections for instance.

This example shows using the swipeable action to access the onPress action as well as setting up a primary and secondary action.
Examples: See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.
Datasources: See the full datasource for static data in GitHub. See the full datasource for dynamic data in GitHub.

See the full example of amount control options in GitHub. See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.
Datasources: See the full datasource for static data in GitHub. See the full datasource for dynamic data in GitHub.

In this example a list shows the work priorities and how many tasks there are for each priority. The rightElement uses a badge with an expression. The count is performed in the datasource query rather than in the expression. The expression calls the taskCount from the datasource. Badges always use the primary color. You cannot change the color of the badge.
Examples: See the example in GitHub.

This example shows the swipeable action configured to swipe right for each list-item. We show how to set up a primary and secondary action.
See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.
Datasources: See the full datasource for static data in GitHub. See the full datasource for dynamic data in GitHub.
This allows you to see when you are interacting with a specific list-item. Whilst interacting, the list item changes slightly making it clear which item you are interacting with.

Examples: See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub. Datasources: See the full datasource for static data in GitHub. See the full datasource for dynamic data in GitHub.

This example use the isContained property set to true to style each item by wrapping it in a card. The code sample below is for a vertical list. You can also wrap list items in a card for a horizontal list.
Examples: See the full example in GitHub.

This example uses the basic rating configuration to display a value with accompanying text. By default, the rating shows a single star in the primary color
Examples: See the full example in GitHub.

This example uses the simplest configuration of the rating property to display a percentage. By default the rating shows a star in the primary color.
Examples: See the full example in GitHub.

This example sets up a product review that displays:
- A rating as a percentage.
- An icon and color customized to represent the rating percentage visually.
- A styled list where each item is displayed within a card format, achieved by enabling the isContained property.
- A verified label placed on the right side of the item.
- A product image shown as an avatar on the left side.
Examples: See the full example in GitHub.

This example creates a list with multiple tags shown on each list-item.
- A styled list where each item is displayed within a card format, achieved by enabling the isContained property.
- The tags show the assigned team, priority, and status.
- A product image shown as an avatar on the left side.
Examples: See the full example in GitHub.

This example show a list of cleaning services that displays:
- A rating as a value.
- An icon and color customized to represent the rating value visually.
- Multiple tags showing the hourly rate and cleaning area category.
- A styled list where each item is displayed within a card format, achieved by enabling the isContained property.
- A numbered badge in the rightElement of the item shows the number of services available.
Examples: See the full example in GitHub.