Release Notes - 2022


Release 2022.7

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Mobile Apps

New Features

  • Added new lifecycle event onFocus to the solution index.jigx schema
  • Errors are now being displayed as dismissable toast
  • Added when condition with expression support to standalone actions and actions in action-list

Bug Fixes

  • Improved performance of expression evaluations for component.list-item
  • Added complete deletion of local SQLite database files when user logs out
  • Fixing an issue with missing android permissions for retrieving device location on Android


New Features

  • Added expression support to when option of widget.status

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with cropped content of non-scrollable jig.default Jigs types
  • Fixed issue with component.expander spacing in lists
  • Fixed issue with spacing of component.expander children
  • Fixed chart alignment option
  • Changed icon of component.drop-down
  • Fixed issue with home button alignment of component.summary
  • Added vertical spacing between components on jig.default
  • Fixed center position of component.avatar


New Features

  • 🎉 Jigx Builder extension is now available in Microsoft Visual Studio Marketplace
  • Improved stability of device connectivity with Builder
  • Added the ability to clear all records from SQLite tables on the device
  • Moved Jigx Logs to its own tab in the bottom panel of VS Code

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Inputs displayed [object][object] when passing an object as a Parameter
  • Fixed an issue where index.jigx did not validate the YAML in real-time
  • Fixed an issue where syntax validation incorrectly showed an error when an object was passed as an input

Deprecated Functionality

  • Moving forward, Datasource Providers can only be configured by selecting from Dynamic Data, SQLite Data (local), Static Datasource, and System Datasource. Use the sync-entity action to sync remote data to the device. For more information, see Syncing Remote and Loading Local Data

Jigx Management

New Features

  • General performance and stability improvements

Breaking Changes


Known Issues

  • Push Notifications
    • We re-enabled push notifications on Android. Now notifications are back and fully operational on both iOS and Android. Targeting/Deep linking into a specific Jig from a push notification is still disabled and we will re-enable it soon as well.

Release 2022.6

Release 2022.6
Release 2022.6

Mobile Apps

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with home hub padding on Android tablets
  • Fixed an issue with deleting local database files when logging out
  • Various performance improvements including Improved performance of local SQL lite datastore layer


New Features

  • Added ability to add media files (e.g images and avatars) to a form when being offline
  • Improved performance of drop-down search with large set of items
  • Improved layout of status widget type

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with positioning of button on list-item
  • Fixed issue with colors of trend component on widgets


New Features

  • Added headers to all Jig snippets
  • Added the ability for Jigx Builder to update automatically
  • Added the ability for Jigx Builder to update schemas automatically
  • Added functionality to reload the mobile app when connecting Dev Tools to ensure Jigx Builder and mobile app cache is in sync
  • Added a new setting to enable/disable system messages in Jigx Builder output window

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Intellisense did not return the correct fields for static datasources
  • Fixed issues with @ctx.current.item validation and Intellisense for complex data expressions
  • Fixed issues where Dev Tools displayed incorrect state when hovering over components in the YAML

Jigx Management

New Features

  • Troubleshooting (available from main menu using CorrelationID, and also by viewing the last logs of solution or user)
  • Personal access tokens (Check out your user profile -> Bottom left corner)

Bug Fixes

  • Organization selector - fixes and improvements around DENY and change password
  • Refined notification audience targets
  • Languages always show English / EN first

Breaking Changes


Known Issues

  • Push Notifications
    • We re-enabled push notifications on Android. Now notifications are back and fully operational on both iOS and Android. Targeting/Deep linking into a specific Jig from a push notification is still disabled and we will re-enable it soon as well.

Release 2022.5

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Mobile Apps

New Features

  • Added option to have persistent global state
  • Disable Hermes on Android for better performance
  • Improved error messages and UI


New Features

  • Added a debounce to the search input field of lists
  • Added ability to set the initial collapsed state of component.expander

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the dropdown search field holding old values
  • Fixed an issue with the isDirty form state and empty fields
  • Improved list performance in general
  • Fixed an issue with photo cropping not working when the camera is being used


New Features

  • Single file publish will now publish the complete solution if the solution has not been published yet
  • Added ability for creators to upload large/complex solutions

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where single file publish included `index.jigx`
  • Multiple expression parser fixes when formulating complex datasources

Jigx Management

New Features:

  • Added a new Quickstart solution -> jigx-widgets (Plenty awesome widgets samples fo you!)

Breaking Changes


Known Issues

  • Push Notifications
    • We re-enabled push notifications on Android. Now notifications are back and fully operational on both iOS and Android. Targeting/Deep linking into a specific Jig from a push notification is still disabled and we will re-enable it soon as well.

Release 2022.3

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Mobile Apps

New Features

  • Added $base64encode/decode JSONata functions
  • Added ability to hide Jig titles on composite Jigs
  • Added new function properties for entity syncing:
    • forRowsWithMatchingIds
    • forRowsWithValues
    • forRowsInRange
  • Improved public screen for unauthenticated users of branded apps
  • Re-enabled basic push notifications for Android


New Features

  • Added a placeholder when using document Jig on composite Jig (not supported)
  • Smarter display of „Show more“ action on list component and list widget
  • Added ability to display a custom label for link entity-fields

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed and issue with shared state of interactive-image
  • Fixed an issue with datetime picker selection
  • Fixed an issue with the isDirty state of a form
  • Fixed expression evaluation in onButtonPress option of a calendar
  • Fixed an issue with accessing base64 state of media-picker with multiple images


New Features

  • Added function execution parameters to the logs in output
  • Added ability to connect Builder with branded apps

Bug Fixes

  • Multiple expression parser fixes when using special JSONata syntax

Jigx Management

New Features

  • Lists
    • Refresh buttons disabled while busy loading
  • Solution credentials and connections
    • Can now be manipulated via schema
    • Name can be copied (previously shown as key)
    • Connection test status indicated on the button
    • Fixed schema display settings in dark mode
    • OAuth credentials UI extended to easily adapt scopes and other frequent settings
  • Preventing the invite of users until an invite template is set up for the organization
  • Improved error handling

Breaking Changes


Known Issues

  • Push Notifications
    • We re-enabled push notifications on Android. Now notifications are back and fully operational on both iOS and Android. Targeting/Deep linking into a specific Jig from a push notification is still disabled and we will re-enable it soon as well.

Release 2022.2

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Mobile Apps

New Features

  • Improved Home Hub UI
  • New solution switcher on Home Hub
  • Ability to use a Jig instead of widgets as solution home screen
  • Improved rendering performance of composite Jigs
  • Added input parameters to widgets on home hub
  • Added profile avatar upload indicator


New Features

  • Added ability to listen to JS events in WebView component
  • Added clear button to input field of DatePicker component
  • Added support for colors to DatePicker and DropDown components
  • Added ability to reset a component on a specific Jig or within a composite Jig
  • Added isDirty state to Form component
  • Added amount state to List Jig type
  • Added background actions to Submit Form action
  • Added ability to retrieve blob of image from media- and avatar-field
  • Added ability to specify image quality for media- and avatar-field uploads

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed flashing of modals
  • Fixed issue with using datasource fields in Jig titles
  • Fixed issue with retrieving dropdown state
  • Fixed UI of public content screen
  • Fixed crashing issue with list widgets
  • Fixed issue with loading certain remote image URLs on Android
  • Fixed dynamic sizing of checkbox component
  • Improved performance of lists and dropdowns
  • Fixed date picker UI issue on Android
  • Perform logout on oAuth providers


New Features

  • Added the ability to validate expressions and highlight any issues
  • Added support for Quick Fix suggestions
  • Added an ability to cancel deployment of a solution
  • Introduced heartbeat support to manage the connection between device and builder when debugging solutions
  • Added functionality to highlight the active Jig in Explorer when using dev tools
  • Added expression support for global data sources

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed missing state for @ctx.current
  • Fixed missing state for Interactive image control
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect state was displayed for a nested structure
  • Fixed missing data types issue with function parameters
  • General UI improvements and fixes for state window

Jigx Management

New Features

  • Added user search by email to permissions
  • Added region information to organization details UI

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed optional function parameters form validation
  • Fixed UI issue with group assignments
  • Fixed background color of clipboard content in dark mode

Breaking Changes

  • Change of OAuth Redirect URL
    • If you are using OAuth in your solution, please make sure you change your OAuth Redirect URL to 
    • You can change the Redirect URL in the Customer Portal ( in the Solution -> Credentials settings. Also make sure to change/register the new Redirect URL in your backend (e.g. Azure).
  • Usage of static instanceId on item-level
    • If you are using static strings for the instanceId of items (e.g. list-item, interactive-image item etc.), please
      • remove the instanceId completely (preferable) or
      • replace the instanceId with an expression that returns a unique identifier (e.g. instanceId: [email protected])

Known Issues

  • Push Notifications on Android
    • Push Notifications on Android are currently disabled for the generic Jigx app. We will enable them again with the next release (2022.3). This does not affect in-app notifications as they will continue to work as before

Updated 12 Feb 2024
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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