Building Apps with Jigx
Home Hub

Index settings


In the index.jigx file, you set solution settings, including the primary information about the solution, the home hub set up, and properties reusable throughout the solution.

Name, title, category, description

  • Name - Your internal solution name.
  • Title - This name will be displayed in your app and in management.
  • Category - A predefined list of solution categories to choose from.
  • Description - A description you provide for your solution.

Widgets, home, stories

Widgets, home, and stories are properties used to build your . Data can be passed to the Jigs (screens) using inputs.

For more information refer to the Home Hub, Custom Home Hub, story-group, and Passing data using inputs.


OnLoad, OnFocus, OnRefresh

These properties allow you to configure Actions executed in various scenarios.

  • OnLoad - when the solution loads for the first time the configured action executes. This is recommended for best performance when working with data, sync the data when the solution loads and ensures the data is available from the beginning and throughout the rest of the solution.
  • OnFocus - when the receives focus the configured action executes
  • OnRefresh - when pulling down on the the action confiugred for onRefresh executes.
index.jigx (onLoad)
index.jigx (onFocus)
index.jigx (onRefresh)

Global Expressions

Use the expressions property to set expressions that are reusable throughout the solution in various s.


For more details and examples refer to the Shared Expressions section in Expressions.


In the dependencies property, you can define the mobile app build version compatible with the YAML configuration.

If the current mobile app build version does not meet the criteria, the 'Out of date' screen will appear (displayed on the right ), with a message that an update is required. Tapping the Update button redirects you to your app settings to update the version of the app.


Out of date app screen
Out of date app screen

See Also

Updated 05 Aug 2024
Doc contributor
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