Building Apps with Jigx
Data Providers

Microsoft Graph OAuth


This section contains steps to create an OAuth app for MS Graph, add the OAuth configuration to and then use the configuration in a solution. Various code samples showing how to use the Microsoft Graph API with the REST data provider are provided.

To use with Microsoft Graph you will need an administrative account for Microsoft AAD to configure a Enterprise App, allowing to use OAuth authentication with Microsoft Graph.

Follow the steps in Configuring OAuth for MS Graph to configure OAuth for the Microsoft environment being used and add the necessary settings to Cloud.

Examples and code snippets

  1. Graph User Profile - provides sample code to get a user's profile information from Microsoft Graph. It includes a code sample for updating a user's profile picture in Microsoft Graph.
  2. Graph Calendar - provides sample code to get a list of the user's calendars and renders a calendar in a schedule view on a . It includes a code sample on adding calendar entries to a user's Microsoft 365 calendar in Exchange.
  3. Graph Mail - provides sample code to get a list of emails for a user and displays the emails in a list . Press on an email to view the content of the email.
  4. Graph tasks - provides sample code to get a list of To-do tasks for a user and displays the tasks in a list .
  5. Graph Insights - provides sample code to get insights that include a list of documents trending around the user and displays the list in a list .