Building Apps with Jigx
Jigs (screens)

Creating a Record


We will now create a Jig with a form that creates a record with multiple columns in our Dynamic Data table, which we defined in the previous Forms part.

Creating a Jig

First, we create an empty Jig and call it form.jigx. Delete the datasources section, as we don't need it now.


Adding a form to the Jig

We need to add a form component to our Jig, as it will be the container for the form input components.

  1. Go ahead and use IntelliSense (Ctrl+Space) to add a form component to the children option of your Jig.
  2. Note the empty instanceId option. This is the unique identifier of your form. Set it to simple-form as we need it later to submit the form.

Adding form input components to the form

You can now go ahead and add the first input field to your form. Use Ctrl+Space to add a text-field to the children option of your form component.

Two options are important for every form field:

  • instanceId - This is the unique identifier of each form input component and it will be used later to retrieve the field values using State. Set it to firstname.
  • label - The label will be displayed on the actual component UI and is important for user interaction. Keep it simple and descriptive. Set it to First name.

Please note: It's best practice for mobile forms to be as short and simple as possible! No one wants to fill out dozens of fields on a mobile device. Because of this, all Jigx input components are marked as required (option isRequired) by default. If you want to make a field optional set isRequired to false, but ask yourself if you then really need that field on your form.

Next, add some more fields to your form. Note that for the email and phone fields we specified an additional option, called keyboardType. This will present the devices onscreen keyboard in the right mode. You can use Ctrl+Space to see all available types.

Go ahead and create a form with this YAML:


Submitting the form data

Good job! Now that we have the basic structure of our form in place we can start thinking about how to store its data.

In general, there are two main ways of sending a form's data back to your data store:

  • Submit-Form Action - This is the standard approach for submitting data to your data store. Choose this one if your form just needs to create or update data in a single table.
  • Execute-Entity Action - If you need more control about how and where to send your form data, select this action type. Keep in mind that it requires you to understand State to access the field values.

Now we will add a submit-form action to our Jig. The action will automatically display an action button at the bottom of the Jig and take care of sending the data to a Dynamic Data table.

  1. Go to the root indent level of the Jig and use Ctrl+Space to bring up IntelliSense. Pick actions
  2. Now, use Ctrl+Space again to add a Submit Form (Create) action

Now we need to set our submit-form action to the form component:

  1. formId - Remember that we set the identifier of our form component (instanceId) to simple-form earlier. We will use this identifier to connect our action to the form. Set formId to simple-form, you can use Ctrl+Space for this as well.
  2. provider - As we want to store our form data in a Dynamic Data table, we can leave this value as is.
  3. title - The title will be displayed on the action button at the bottom of our Jig. Set it to Submit form.
  4. entity - This is the entity table that will be used to store the data. Use Ctrl + Space to select the default/form table we defined at the beginning of the guide.
  5. method - We want to create a new record, therefore we leave this value set to create.
  6. go-back - After the record is created, we want to navigate back to the previous screen. Note that there are more options available.

Our YAML looks like this now :


The execute-entity action allows for more control over how your data is stored. For instance, you could transform the lastname value to uppercase, or combine firstname and lastname into one column before saving it. Also you could add multiple forms to one Jig and store data from both or access forms of jig.composite children from the composite Jig action.

As you can see in below example, the action exposes a data option that allows you to specify each column that will be used in the payload. Each column value can be bound to an expression and state of your components. In this example we are accessing state for each field (remember, Ctrl+Space is your best friend). It's very helpful to learn more about State in general when using this type of action.

You could also use JSONata expression to transform the state values before binding them to the columns. An example for this would be: lastname: =$uppercase(@ctx.components.lastname.state.value)


Adding a widget to home hub

Now let's head over to the index.jigx fiel of our solution to add a widget for the Home Hub that takes the user to our form:


Publish your solution now, so that you can try it out on your mobile device 🎉 Remember, that you always check out the contents of your Dynamic Data form table in the Jigx Management. Navigate to the Solutions area in the left sidebar, select your solution and check out the Data section in the sidebar.

Next see how to update a record. For more examples on formatting your form see GitHub.

Updated 12 Feb 2025
Doc contributor
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