


This component displays consecutive steps in a stepper component. You can divide the task into steps, mark them as completed, and gradually get closer to completing the entire task.

Step component
Step component

Configuration options

Core structure


Provide a title for the step item. You can use an expression to set the title.


The value of the step item. The value is exposed in the 's state, making it available for use anywhere inside the .

Other options


Describe the step item that is displayed as the subtitle.


The only available element for the step is an icon displayed on the left of the value. A list of icons is available. See Jigx icons for more information. If no icon is specified a checkbox is used on the left.


The following styling options are available:

  • isActive - Shows the step as active.
  • isDisabled - Shows the step value, description, and icon as disabled (greyed out).
  • isNegative - The step description and icon are shown in red.
  • isPositive - The description and icon are shown in green.
  • isStrikeThrough - The step's value and description are shown with a line through it.
  • isWarning - The description and icon are shown in orange.



The action is triggered when pressing on the step item. Use IntelliSense (ctrl+space) to see the list of available actions.


  • The step component can only be used inside the stepper component.

Examples and code snippets 

Step inside a stepper component
Step inside a stepper component

This example shows the steps of delivering a shipment. In this case, the goods have already been ordered, and the shipment is in transit.

Examples: See the full example using static data on GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.

Datasource: See the full datasource for static data on GitHub. See the full datasource for dynamic data in GitHub.

step (static)
step (dynamic)
datasources (static)
datasources (dynamic)

Updated 24 Jul 2024
Doc contributor
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