


Dropdown fields in forms streamline the user experience by offering a compact, scrollable list of options, saving space and reducing clutter. They help guide users through data selections while minimizing input errors and enhancing form navigation.

Dropdown preview
Dropdown preview

Configuration options

Core structure for dropdown


The unique identifier for the dropdown component.


Provide a label/name for the dropdown. 'Label' is displayed as a placeholder when no value is specified.


Use an expression that evaluates to either an array of options or sections.


The item property use component of dropdown-item that includes: title and value.

Other options


Sets the color of the dropdown property based on conditions by using the when property. First evaluated to true will be used. Choose a color from the provided color palette. Default color is grey if the property is not specified in the YAML. See the list of available colors in Jigx color palette.


Add text, string, or expressions to show text under the dropdown indicating an error/invalid value in the field. Text is shown in isNegative (red) styling with a red exclamation icon on the right.


Add text, string, or expressions to guide users by showing text under the dropdown. Helper text is displayed only when there is no errorText.


Add an icon to the title. A list of icons is available. See Jigx icons for more information.


The initialValue is the value that will be displayed in the dropdown when the form is initially loaded. You can use this property to preset the dropdown with a default value so that you do not have to manually select it. Using the reset-state action with initialValues does not clear the dropdown field, it resets the field back to it's initialValue.


If true the dropdown will get focus immediately after the form is displayed.


If true the dropdown will be hidden on the form. If set to false the field will be shown.


When true, the field will be ignored when submitting the form and the content will not be stored.


Set to true allows you to select multiple items inside the dropdown. Set to false only allows a single selction in the dropdown.


If the field is optional you can turn off the "(optional)" label by setting this field to true. This property works in combination with isRequired: false.


Set to true when the field is required. Useful when you use it in form submission. Set to false the dropdown is optional and will have (optional) in the label.


Set to true allows the items in the dropdown to be searchable. A search bar is added to the top of the dropdown list. For the search field to function the data property should be configured with a filter expression, e.g. =$filter(@ctx.datasources.employees-static, function($v){$contains($string($v.firstname),$string(@ctx.components.dropdown-in.state.searchText != null ? @ctx.components.dropdown-in.state.searchText:''))})[]


If set to true the searchable input will get focus immediately when opened.


Name of the property you want to focus next in the form when you use return/next on a keyboard.


The following property settings are available: - flex - Flex property if rendered inside row. - isBusy - Displays spinner on right side of field. It removes any configured icon. - isDisabled - disables the dropdown preventing the dropdown-items popup from displaying. - isPositive - a green icon diplays on the right of the dropdown field. More than one can be true. It will be evaluated based on priority.


The value to show in the dropdown, e.g. you can configure the first dropdown-item for be selected by default when the form loads. For example, value: [email protected][0].firstName

Other options for dropdown-item


Description of steps displayed on list items as subtitles.


The unique identifier for the dropdown-item component.


The following elements can be added in the dropdown component, which will display on the left of the dropdown-item title:

  • avatar
  • icon
  • image


The subtitle for the dropdown item.


Title displayed on list item. You can add text, expressions or Text with Format in the field. Text with format includes, currency, decimal, dateTime and more.


The value of the item. It has to be unique for each item and is usually the ID of the record from the datasource.



The action is triggered when the content in the dropdown is changed. Use IntelliSense (ctrl+space) to see the list of available actions.

State Configuration



searchText selected value

  • State is the variable of the component.

activeItemId now

  • Global state variable that can be used throughout the solution.

Examples and code snippets 

Default dropdown example



See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.


See the full datasource for static data in GitHub. See the full datasource for dynamic data in GitHub.

dropdown (static)
dropdown (dynamic)
datasources (static)
datasources (dynamic)

Multiple select dropdown

Multiple dropdown-items
Multiple dropdown-items

Dropdown with multiple selected
Dropdown with multiple selected

In this example, we will show you how you can set up your dropdown for multiple selections.


See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.


See the full datasource for static data in GitHub. See the full datasource for dynamic data in GitHub.

multiple-select-dropdown (static)
multiple-select-dropdown (dynamic)
datasources (static)
datasources (dynamic)

Search dropdown

Dropdown with search
Dropdown with search

Dropdown with search

In this example, we can find the search function in our dropdown.

Examples: See the full example using static data in GitHub. See the full example using dynamic data in GitHub.

Datasources: See the full datasource for static data in GitHub. See the full datasource for dynamic data in GitHub.

search-dropdown (static)
search-dropdown (dynamic)
datasources (static)
datasources (dynamic)

Dropdown with a default value

dropdown with default value
Dropdown with default value

In this example, we populate the first employee's name as the default value to show in the dropdown by using the initialValue property with an expression to return the first value from the datasource. Opening the dropdown shows the first checkbox selected.

Examples: See the full example using static data in GitHub.

Datasources: See the full datasource for static data in GitHub.

search-dropdown (static)
datasources (static)

See also

Updated 27 Aug 2024
Doc contributor
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